
Editing is the final phase of the writing process. In business the editing process takes on a whole new meaning; because a badly written document may carry the wrong message and give a bad impression to the reader. When editing you should take half the time it took to write the text in question.  Editing consists of revision, proofreading and evaluating your text. Taking a long pause, 1 hour to a day, is the best way to start your editing process. This will clear your head a make you more objective.

The first step when editing is revising, this is to verify if the document addresses its purpose, is the document clear, etc.  Choosing the right tone will bring you positive feedback. The web site will help you in your revision process. 

The second step is verifying if the text is concise; dose it contains unnecessary words and phrases that makes your text will help you in making your writing more concise.  

The third step of editing is proofreading and it consists of cheeking your grammar, spelling, punctuation, name and numbers and format. For spelling, grammar and punctuation help take a look at the following sites: (spelling), (grammar) and (punctuation).

The final step is the evaluation of the text. This is analysing whether your message gets to the reader without any interferences, peer review falls in to this category. For more information you can visit Using these steps while editing you will be able to write a clear and concise business document.