2. Conciseness

Conciseness is about eliminating fillers, long lead-ins, redundancies, compound prepositions and empty words. Remove everything that is unnecessary.

Fillers are words you put in a sentence which makes it long. So in the editing sessions, the long and endless sentences should be avoided as well as unnecessary words. For example, although it may sound good in your head, it is advisable to avoid starting an idea with ’’there is’’. The words most often used as fillers are "there" and "it". Those words are usually used to lengthen sentences.

Wordy : There is one presentation in particular which I prefer to present to the manager.
Concise: I prefer this presentation to present to the manager.
 Long lead-ins
Long lead-ins are used as introductory words. However, depending on the context, they are by no means necessary. Those words can delay getting to the important part of the sentence. Words like ‘’that’’ and ‘’because’’ are often followed by substantial parts.


Wordy:  I am writing this letter because Dr. Marcia Howard suggested that your organization was hiring     trainees.           
Concise: Dr. Marcia Howard suggested that your organization was hiring trainees.

Redundancies are simple words or  expressions that repeat the meaning. Excessive adjectives, adverbs and phrases create wordiness. 

Wordy: The assistant manager gave us the end result of last month's average.
Concise: The assistant manager gave us the result of last month's average.

Compound prepositions
Compound prepositions are considered wordy in the business writing. By replacing it by single words, it is more concise.

Wordy: As to whether/ At a later date/ At this point in time/ In advance of, prior to
Concise: whether/ later/ now/ before

Empty words
Be vigilant to empty words and/or phrases like case, degree, the fact that, instance, nature and quality. Sentences will sound better and will more directly reach the intended audience after removing all those empty words.

Wordy: Because of the degree of active participation by our sales reps, profits soared.
Concise: Because of active participation by our sales reps, profits soared. 

Here is a web site that will help you with making your text more concise